A Brave Pooch’s Unwavering Resolve Through Neglect, Hunger, and Thirst

Barilla, a dog who was taken to a cat and dog rescue center in Granada, Spain, was extremely underweight and had several internal organs that were not functioning properly. She also had weak muscles and could no longer walk, leaving her paralyzed in one area.

The workers at the center were concerned about Barilla’s chances of survival as she weighed a mere 7.2kg and was suffering from a severe medical condition. They knew that being just one night late in receiving help could cost her life. To assist Barilla in developing her muscles, the staff provided her with a support system since she could not stand on her own. For six hours, Barilla was regularly hydrated before being given any nutritious food. The crawling on the ground had left her with scratches on all four of her legs. Although she was able to get up and drink water after six hours, it was a temporary respite.

Barilla has put on 4 kilograms thanks to attentive care and therapy over the course of a week. However, she still struggles with walking and standing for prolonged periods and frequently takes a tumble. It took Barilla an additional 6 weeks before she began eating properly, but once she did, she was able to run and jump just like any other energetic pup. The staff members who looked after Barilla were incredibly devoted to her wellbeing.

Eduardo Rodriguez, the owner of the shelter, fell in love with Barilla at first sight and decided to adopt her. Currently, Barilla resides with Eduardo’s wife, 14-year-old daughter, and five other dogs in their house located on the outskirts of Granada. After spending months on the streets, Barilla finally has a place to call home.

According to Anh Rodriguez, he recently adopted a dog for the first time in five years since losing one of his dogs in an accident. He shared that he was amazed by the dog’s determination to survive and felt an instant bond with her when he saw her.

Right from the start, Anh Rodriguez showed immense love and dedication towards Barilla. The progress in Barilla’s recovery has been exceptional – she started consuming 5-6 meals a day just four days after being rescued and was gaining weight at a rate of 1kg per day. As of now, Barilla weighs 20.8 kg and is almost completely healed.

Barilla was found by some locals and they immediately notified the rescue center and the police. At the time of her rescue, Barilla was just about ten months old. The authorities are currently investigating who could have caused such harm to this poor dog.

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