My Love, Worry Not – Trust That All Will Be Well

Meet Baby Winston, a lovable podenco breed that was once used as a hunting dog. Unfortunately, we are unsure how his jaw became fractured on both sides, but the previous owner no longer wanted him due to his condition. This poor pup has his entire life ahead of him and deserves a chance to live it to the fullest. To ensure this, he requires urgent surgical intervention for his jaw. Let’s give him the gift of healing and a brighter future!

At just four months old, poor Winston had already suffered torture and near-death. All because he was being used as a tool by a hunter, who treated him like nothing more than a broken object to be thrown away. But to us, Winston is a precious treasure, worthy of love and care. Thanks to his surgery and our unwavering support, we’re confident that he’ll bounce back stronger than ever before.

Winston is now undergoing surgery after a long wait. Unfortunately, he has necrotic tissue in his mouth which could lead to complications after the operation. However, there was no other option but to proceed with it immediately. Let’s all hope and pray for a successful surgery and keep our fingers crossed. The procedure is expected to be both challenging and time-consuming.

Winston is doing very well! After a lengthy and complex surgery, thorough check-ups are being conducted to ensure that everything is going smoothly. There are no signs of infection, and Winston is happily wandering around the hospital. Today, he was given sedation for a comprehensive evaluation, which confirmed that things are on track. Way to go, Winston! Keep up the good work!

This little doggo is handling everything like a champ and has easily adjusted to the temporary living situation at the clinic for his post-operative recovery. Winston is doing amazingly well and we are optimistic that he will be able to move into the Great House with us soon!

Winston has finally departed from the hospital and has recently settled into his brand new residence at the Big House. Being able to move around and investigate his surroundings like any other dog brings him pure joy, which is a delight to witness.

We are excited to see what other adventures await him! We are grateful for your role in making this possible.

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