“Colorful Surprise: Family Welcomes Green Puppy and Dubs Him ‘Hulk’ in a Heartwarming Tale”

A few days ago, a heartwarming scene of a litter of puppies being born went viral. Among the adorable pups, one stood out due to its unique green coat. The Stamey family, hailing from North Carolina, were in awe when they laid eyes on their new furry friend. They named him “Hulk,” after the famous Marvel character.

The birth of a peculiar dog surprised Shana Stamey, the owner of Gypsy, a German shepherd who gave birth to eight puppies including a green one. She couldn’t believe her eyes as she held the lemon-colored puppy in her arms.

According to Shana, the dog caught her attention as she observed it moving around with a coat of lime green. The owners of the pups have disclosed to the public that they will put Hulk and his siblings up for adoption once they are healthy and mature enough to be on their own without being impacted by the separation from their mother. In some photos, the puppy’s skin appears to be much lighter than its black and white littermates, making it stand out.

There is a peculiar phenomenon where dogs may be born with a greenish hue, which has a scientific explanation behind it. According to veterinarian Suzanne Cianciulli from the Junaluska Animal Hospital, this occurs when the developing puppy’s skin comes into contact with its mother’s feces while in the womb. However, Cianciulli reassures that the dog’s green color is not permanent, as the mother will lick the puppy clean, and it should regain its original color within a few weeks.

Despite his unusual appearance, Hulk the dog has become an internet sensation with thousands of people captivated by his green fur. According to Dr. Suzanne Cianciulli, the discoloration may be due to the presence of meconium, the first waste produced by mammals while still in the womb. This substance can stain the fur of dogs with white coats, resulting in a vibrant green color. Despite this, Hulk continues to rock his unique look and attract attention wherever he goes.

Dogs can also turn green due to Biliverdin, a type of bile pigment present in their placenta. Although this may seem alarming, it is not harmful and will naturally fade over time. A veterinarian advises owners to keep an eye on their green pups, but there is no need for major concern. In a few weeks, the puppy will showcase its original white coat once again.

The pictures of the green puppy have stirred up a lot of discussions on social media. Unfortunately, some people are quick to judge and criticize the family without knowing the full story. They assume that the puppy’s fur is dyed using harmful chemicals. However, it’s important to note that not all cases involving colorful dogs are the result of abuse. This particular case with HULK, the neon green puppy born to a family dog in North Carolina, is not an instance of cruelty.

Luckily, Hulk was fortunate enough to be welcomed into a household where he was showered with affection and safeguarded from harm. His family did everything in their power to ensure he received the finest care. Spread the word about Hulk’s heartwarming story!

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