Heroic Woman Rescues Abandoned Dog with Heavy Anchor Tied to Neck Near River

Once, while driving, Audra Petraškienė and her daughter, Andra Petraškienė, stumbled upon a wet and shivering dog. Upon closer inspection, they discovered that the poor animal had been the victim of a cruel attempt to drown it. Someone had placed a heavy metal box around its neck as a makeshift anchor, intending for it to sink in the river. The mother-daughter duo were heartbroken by this sight.

Upon discovering the dog, the Petraškienės quickly realized that he had been through a tough time. The poor pup was trembling and clearly frightened. Although his resilience may have helped him survive his ordeal, Audra couldn’t help but worry that the traumatic experience would leave a lasting impact on him.

The Petraškienė family rescued the poor creature, bringing him to their home and immediately removing the anchor. They then took him to the veterinarian for a check-up. Luckily, the vet gave the good news that the animal was in great physical condition, except for some stress induced by the previous abuse.

After witnessing a distressing incident, Audra became furious and attempted to contact the owner of the dog involved. To do so, she shared information about the dog on Facebook, and after some searching, she finally came across someone who identified themselves as the owner.

He claimed that his dog was taken and an attempt was made to drown him using the anchor. Even though Audra located the real owner of the dog, she informed the authorities to ensure that he was not involved in the incident.

As it turns out, the dog and his human were actually caught up in a scheme of retaliation, with the neighbor of the owner being responsible for snatching the pup and attempting to harm him by submerging him in water.

Presently, the canine has been reunited with its owner and is receiving ample love and attention. Be sure to check out the rescue video below.

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