Lost Pooch: Dog Left Traumatized After Daycare Mishap

Sandra Miranda and her family decided to take a short break in Glen Falls, New York. As pets were not allowed on a steamboat ride they planned to take, they opted to drop off their adorable Australian Shepherd, Alfie, at GF-K9 daycare for a few hours on June 22nd. This boarding facility was supposed to ensure that their furry friend was well-looked after in their absence. However, the family’s peace of mind was shattered when Alfie went missing from the daycare center.

Sandra Miranda was left in shock when she was told that her dog, Alfie, was missing from GF-K9. The family had only planned to leave Alfie there for a few hours to enjoy some quality time together. However, upon their return, they were greeted with devastating news by an employee who informed them that Alfie was nowhere to be found. Miranda had never anticipated that the outcome would be so grim and heartbreaking. She had only expected to hear about an accidental injury or an altercation with another dog.

Alfie’s family was not informed about his disappearance before they arrived at the daycare. Mike Tartaglione, the owner of the daycare, reviewed the security footage and was unable to comprehend how Alfie managed to escape. Tartaglione expressed his remorse about the situation and claimed that he has been unable to sleep since Alfie went missing. Miranda, Alfie’s owner, was upset about the incident but decided to concentrate more on locating her dog than engaging in a confrontation with GF-K9, the daycare provider.

Despite the fact that it is still unclear how Alfie escaped, no one realized or reported the occurrence until it was too late. Heidi Williams, a former employee of GF-K9, left the company after vocalizing concerns about the mistreatment of some animals, which Tartaglione allegedly ignored. Williams claims that there have been too many instances of dogs dying, getting lost, abused, and neglected, and that it is necessary to take a stand against such unacceptable treatment of innocent animals who cannot speak for themselves.

Alfie’s disappearance spurred demands for greater accountability in animal care facilities from members of the community. Elizabeth Dragon expressed her frustration by comparing the lack of inspection for animal care to the regular inspections for children’s daycares. Despite her family returning to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Miranda remained behind for an additional week to continue searching for Alfie. She explored all possible avenues, including enlisting the help of experts, posting on local Facebook groups for lost pets, and contacting nearby businesses.

After weeks of searching, the group finally got a lead on Alfie’s whereabouts. There had been several reports of him being spotted in the area, but it wasn’t until July 9th, 2022 – eighteen days after his family left him at GF-K9 – that he was finally found. A kind person noticed Alfie in their backyard and got in touch with Miranda to let her know. “When I arrived, I picked him up and he ran straight to me,” said Alfie’s relieved mom.

Miranda expressed her gratitude to the community through a Facebook post on July 10th. She acknowledged that without the support of many individuals, Alfie’s rescue could not have been possible. The 18 days during which Alfie was missing were challenging, but the number of people who took up their cause gave them hope. Miranda was amazed by the hundreds of calls they received and the numerous people who walked around the area searching for their pet dog. It’s astonishing that Alfie was found despite not having any identification. Fortunately, the Glen Falls community rallied behind them, and Miranda’s determination never wavered.

Alfie immediately headed to the veterinarian. Despite losing weight, he was in a stable condition. Miranda mentioned that Dr. Laura from Glen Falls Animal Hospital provided him with treatment without any charge.

It’s upsetting to learn about incidents that occur in daycare facilities, but this particular account has a silver lining that showcases the kindness of humanity, as Miranda succinctly put it.

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