Magic Johnson’s Lavish Purchase: A $126M Yacht for Ultimate European Excursion with Friends

With a net worth of $620 million, Magic Johnson definitely lives a lavish lifestyle. One example of his luxury is the $138 million superyacht that he rents out for a whopping $1,000,000 a week when he goes on vacation.

The most impressive and eye-catching aspect of the ship is the chandelier that hangs down four floors from the top deck to the bottom deck, adding a touch of luxury to the entire vessel.

The extravagant amenities of this stunning home include a colossal 85-inch television in the home theater, individual bathrooms for each occupant in the lavish master suite, a cozy study, and a sophisticated salon.

The luxurious Superyacht Aquila, a symbol of sophistication and opulence, will forever hold a place in the maritime record books. Johnson’s story is one of dreams becoming reality as they cruise towards breathtaking horizons.

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