The Heartwarming Tale of a King Cobra Shielding Two Dogs Trapped in a Well Without Inflicting Harm

The wonders of the natural world are vast, and there is always something new to discover. Take, for instance, the heartwarming tale of two puppies who were rescued from a deep hole. The depth of this hole was home not only to the pups, but also to a venomous king cobra. But what happens next in this story may surprise you, and will surely change your perspective on these slithery creatures. In the Indian state of Punjab, stray dogs have long been an issue for local communities.

A cobra protects two dogs that fall into a well and doesn't harm them - Juligal

It is believed that there are roughly 30 million stray dogs in India, with reports from the Hindustan Times indicating that in 2015 alone, the government of Punjab counted almost 60,000 homeless dogs within the state. The following tale showcases the unfortunate fate of two such animals, who not only lacked a home but also fell into a pit containing a king cobra. This story, which seems too incredible to be true, has been covered by both local and international media outlets. A passerby was walking past the site when they heard the frantic barking of an older dog. Upon closer inspection, they discovered a mother dog anxiously searching for her missing puppies, her face clearly reflecting her worry and sadness.

A cobra protects two dogs that fall into a well and doesn't harm them - Juligal

The other passersby in the vicinity quickly noticed that two of the offspring of another mother dog had accidentally fallen into a deep hole and were unable to find their way out. The situation became even more worrisome as a king cobra was spotted in the same pit. For many people, the king cobra is considered one of the most hostile snakes and can pose a threat to other animals. Given this dangerous situation, it seemed unlikely that the two dogs would survive their encounter with the deadly snake. However, surprisingly, the snake did not show any aggression towards the dogs and instead appeared to be protecting them.

A cobra protects two dogs that fall into a well and doesn't harm them - Juligal

The single hole appeared to be the source of peril, with one side dry and the other side completely drenched. Once inside, it was impossible for both dogs to make their way out. Sources say that a king cobra had been keeping watch over the canines for two days before being discovered. When the rescue team arrived, however, the venomous snake did not exhibit aggression and instead slithered to the side to allow the humans to pick up the dogs safely. As a result, no injuries occurred to either the dogs or the cobra.

A cobra protects two dogs that fall into a well and doesn't harm them - Juligal

Following their successful retrieval of the two dogs, the team of rescuers also made efforts to save the king cobra that had fallen into the same deep hole. They managed to capture the reptile and set it free in the nearby forest. The pleasant conclusion of this tale brings a sense of relief and comfort to all who hear it.

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