The Tenacious Journey of a Rescued Canine: Overcoming Years of Suffering Despite Receiving Care

The previous owners of this unfortunate pup neglected his huge salivary tumor for over six years. The poor dog was in constant pain, constantly crying, and unable to move his head.

A charming dog is now getting the medical attention he deserves after his previous owners ignored his large tumor for six long years. The Long Way Home rescue group reports that Jake was well-loved by his former family, but unfortunately they didn’t seek veterinary care when they noticed his face starting to swell.

According to the organization, Jake, an indoor dog with impeccable behavior and toilet training, has been living with a salivary tumor for six years. The owners believed that the tumor was caused by a snake bite. Despite his condition, Jake gets along well with other dogs and can even shake.

Following Jake’s discovery in a secluded part of Texas last week, the team at Cribs for Canines initiated efforts to persuade his owners to relinquish custody and allow him to access much-needed veterinary care. Jake is presently undergoing treatment in Waco and has reported significant relief after the removal of a considerable amount of fluid, as indicated by the organization.

We express our gratitude to the amazing team at the Texas Animal Medical Center located in Waco. They have been providing exceptional care to Jake under the guidance of Dr. Lide and his colleagues. Their efforts have resulted in the successful drainage of 1200cc of salivary fluid from Jake’s neck, which is evident from the remarkable transformation visible in the final two pictures.

After 6 long years, Jake was finally able to turn his head for the first time. The ease with which he accomplished this feat was remarkable! He’s also been eating and pooping properly, in high spirits, and appears to be in great shape overall, according to the agency.

Although there are no guarantees that Jake will regain complete health, a team of dedicated individuals is putting in endless effort to provide him with the greatest opportunity for recovery.

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