“Timeless Beauty: Why Jennifer Aniston, 47, remains the World’s Most Beautiful Woman with the power of vitamins and exercise”

Jennifer Aniston has been chosen by People magazine as the World’s Most Beautiful Woman for 2016, making this her second time receiving the honor. The 47-year-old actress appears on the cover of the May 2 issue, radiating beauty in a stunning floral top and a sparkling cocktail ring on her finger. In the magazine, she discusses her beauty tips, her marriage to Justin Theroux, and even opens up about her childhood insecurities regarding her “bubble butt.” Watch the video below for more on Aniston’s latest achievement.

What an honor: Jennifer Aniston was named the World's Most Beautiful Woman by People magazine

Such a prestigious recognition: People magazine crowned Jennifer Aniston as the Most Beautiful Woman in the World.

Glamorous: The 47-year-old actress posed for the cover and several beautiful pictures inside

Stylish: The 47-year-old actress dazzled in a photoshoot for the magazine cover and a series of stunning images featured inside.

Girls to look up to: She named Gloria Steinem, Brigitte Bardot, and Lauren Hutton as her beauty icons

Women to admire: She cited Gloria Steinem, Brigitte Bardot, and Lauren Hutton as her inspirations for beauty.

In a recent video with PeopleTV, Jennifer expressed her surprise at being named the World’s Most Beautiful Woman for the second time, the first being in 2004. She recalled feeling like a teenager and being incredibly flattered by the news. When asked about her secret to staying gorgeous after over two decades in the limelight, Jennifer mentioned her beauty icons such as Gloria Steinem, Brigitte Bardot, and Lauren Hutton. She credits her radiant appearance to taking care of herself, including a daily regimen of vitamins like Viviscal, omegas, and vitamin C. Additionally, Jennifer stays active by working out six days a week, with a mix of spin-yoga classes, weight-training, and cardio sessions at home. According to her, the best part is feeling most beautiful after completing a great workout.

That's nice! Jen said she was 'very flattered' to earn the title and felt like a teenager being complimented 

Jen expressed her gratitude for being awarded the title, saying she was truly honored and it made her feel like a young teenager receiving a much-appreciated compliment.

Staying fit: She talked a lot about her health routine and how it contributes to her beauty

Staying fit: She talked a lot about her health routine and how it contributes to her beauty

Keeping in shape: She shared extensively about her wellness regimen and how it enhances her appearance.

Two-timer: The first time she earned the title was over a decade ago in 2004

Double-dater: She was first crowned with this title more than ten years ago, back in 2004.

That's a lot! She shared that she has a 'healthy bag of vitamins' that she takes three times a day

Wow, that’s quite a regimen! She mentioned that she has a daily intake of essential vitamins that she diligently takes three times a day. “By prioritizing my health, I keep my endorphins up and my blood flowing,” she explained. “I’m taking good care of my one and only body.”

Maintaining high endorphins keeps her in a happy state of mind, which she believes is crucial for both physical and mental well-being. “I believe that inner confidence, peace, kindness, honesty, and living a fulfilling life are the secrets to true beauty,” she expressed. “It’s about facing challenges head-on without being burdened by shame or criticism from others. That negativity is just toxic noise.”

Despite what fans of Friends might think, Jennifer Aniston emphasized that she didn’t always feel so confident or look as radiant as she does now.

How she does it: In the magazine, she opened up about her beauty secrets and insecurities

How she achieves it: She candidly shared in the publication about her tips for staying beautiful and her personal doubts.

Double dose: In addition to speaking to the magazine for the current issue, she participated in a video interview

Two times the exposure: Not only did she chat with the magazine for the latest issue, but she also took part in a video interview.

Looks good to us: The star said she was told she was 'chubby' at the start of her career

We think it’s great: The actress revealed that she was once described as ‘plump’ when she first entered the entertainment industry.

Pretty: She also said she needed contouring because her face was 'almost a complete circle'

She added that she wanted contouring as she felt her face was “practically a perfect circle.”

Tight: These days, she can't believe bubble butts are a 'trend', because she worked so hard to get rid of hers

Currently, she is surprised that larger buttocks are considered fashionable, as she put in a lot of effort to slim down her own.
“In my twenties, my face was quite plump and I really relied on contouring,” she recalled, acknowledging that her appearance had been less than ideal before. Now, as she works on sculpting her face into a more angular shape, she sometimes wishes she still had those chubby cheeks.
Having shed pounds after being told she was too heavy by an agent early in her career, she blames her previous unhealthy diet of milkshakes and fries with gravy. “I used to be quite plump,” she lamented. These days, she starts her mornings with hot lemon water, coffee, and a protein shake, while opting for a salad at lunch and roasted chicken at dinner. For snacks, she enjoys string cheese and hard-boiled eggs.
However, she still struggles with one area of her body that has always been a bit fuller than she would like.

Engaged: She called husband Justin Theroux 'easiest person' and said he's both interesting and interested 

Stating she’s happily engaged, she described her husband, Justin Theroux, as the most effortless person to be with, highlighting his captivating nature and genuine curiosity in others.

Those lovebirds! The two married in a secret ceremony in August 2015

Oh, those lovebirds! The couple tied the knot in a private ceremony back in August 2015.

Up next: she is set to appear in the film Mother's Day, which hits theaters April 29

Next on the horizon, she is slated to appear in the upcoming movie Mother’s Day, scheduled for release in theaters on April 29.
“I’ve never really been a fan of my behind. It’s been a bit of a sore spot for me. I used to have a rounder backside and was made fun of for it,” she shared. “And now, people are willing to shell out money to have things injected. Meanwhile, here I am, sweating over squats, thinking, ‘What’s the latest trend now?'”
“Nowadays, I’ve come to terms with my body. I’ve learned to embrace all of it,” she added. “My perspective on beauty has evolved over time. It’s about accepting and loving every part of yourself, not just focusing on outward appearances. There is so much beauty beyond clothes and makeup on a person.”
Jennifer also gave insights into her relationship with her husband, Justin Theroux, explaining how they often exercise together and praising him as “the sweetest and most kind-hearted person.”
“He’s incredibly considerate, which means a lot to me,” she gushed. “He’s just so easy to be around. We have the most engaging conversations, and he never fails to make me laugh. He’s such an intriguing and genuinely interested individual.”

Shockingly gorgeous: Scandal star Kerry Washington returned to the list this year

In a surprising twist, the stunning Kerry Washington, famous for her role in Scandal, has once again made it onto this year’s list.

The actresses: Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow and Helen Mirren are both in the issue

The actresses: Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow and Helen Mirren are both in the issue

Featured in the magazine are the talented actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, who has won an Oscar, and the iconic Helen Mirren. Both of them grace the pages of this edition.

Their beauty's no joke: Funny ladies Kate McKinnon (left) and Melissa McCarthy (right) are in the issue

The humorously talented Kate McKinnon and Melissa McCarthy, known for their charm and wit, are featured in the magazine.

High notes: Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are among some of the musical stars in the issue

High notes: Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are among some of the musical stars in the issue

Top singers Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift are featured alongside other music icons in the magazine.

Influence: Ashley Graham also posed for her own page, sharing that the best compliments she's gotten are about the 'impact' she's making

Ashley Graham’s recent feature in People’s pages highlights the positive impact she is making, with many praising her for it. The latest issue of the magazine also showcases other stunning women such as Gwyneth Paltrow, Sofia Vergara, Sandra Bullock, Helen Mirren, and Kerry Washington. Notable musicians like Taylor Swift, Selena Gomez, and Carrie Underwood are also part of the lineup, with Serena Williams representing the athlete category. Additionally, the magazine includes women who have made headlines over the past year, like Ashley Graham, who values compliments about the impact she’s making. The issue also shines a light on female celebrities known for their humor, such as Mindy Kaling, Melissa McCarthy, Amy Schumer, Kate McKinnon, Rachel Bloom, and Cecily Strong.

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