“Urgent Rescue Needed for Abandoned Dog Mother and Her Nine Puppies Trapped in a Sealed Box”

A dog, along with her nine newborn puppies, was discovered inside a cardboard box at Puntzi Lake Landfill in British Columbia, Canada. It is suspected that someone cruelly abandoned the poor animals and sealed them inside the box to prevent their escape. Fortunately, a Good Samaritan found the helpless dogs and swiftly took them to the veterinarian. The mother dog was extremely weak and undernourished, possibly due to giving birth just a week prior to being found. Despite her weakened state, the brave mother dog continued to nurture and care for her puppies.

The Quesnel and District branch of BCSCPA in Canada witnessed a mother dog caring for her puppies while the staff provided her with food and medical assistance to help her recover. Initially, she was uneasy, which could be attributed to her history of traumatic events. However, with time, she began to relax and let her guard down.

After some time, the shelter bestowed the title of “Casey” to the mother dog. She is an amiable canine who gets along with all the staff members at the shelter. Currently, the staff members are grateful to the individual who discovered Casey and her puppies and took swift action.

Casey’s litter of pups is currently in the midst of their growth phase, and will soon be ready for adoption once they reach the age of two months. In the meantime, both Casey and her precious little ones are residing at the shelter until they find their forever homes.

Currently, the BC SPCA is actively searching for the individual who left Casey and her puppies to fend for themselves. The organization is also taking this opportunity to remind everyone that abandoning their pets is both inhumane and against the law. If someone is having difficulties caring for their furry companions, they should consider contacting their local rescue or animal shelter for assistance rather than resorting to abandonment.

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