When Angelina Jolie Met Migrant Children in Lesbos: The Boy Who Turned Down a Kiss

Angelina Jolie is a renowned Hollywood actress, known for her stunning appearance. Yet, during her visit to a migrant camp in Greece, one young boy appeared unimpressed when she attempted to give him a kiss. Despite her beauty, Jolie’s visit aimed to bring attention to the plight of migrants who have made the dangerous journey from countries like Syria to reach Europe, often landing on the Greek island of Lesbos.

While on a visit to Lesbos today, Angelina Jolie went to greet on migrant child with a kiss on the cheek but he seemed to recoil in horror

During her recent trip to Lesbos, Angelina Jolie attempted to greet a migrant child by giving him a friendly kiss on the cheek. However, the child appeared to react in a frightened manner and recoiled from the gesture.

However, when she went to give another migrant girl a kiss on cheek she seemed much happier and grasped her hand as the pair embraced 

Nevertheless, the moment she leaned in to peck a fellow migrant girl on the cheek, her countenance brightened and she eagerly clasped the other girl’s hand as they hugged.

Miss Jolie had been visiting the Greek island of Lesbos the entry point for many migrants coming to Europe from countries such as Syria via Turkey 

During her visit to the Greek island of Lesbos, Miss Jolie, who is a special envoy for the United Nations refugee agency, visited several migrant camps where she met refugees from countries like Syria who are entering Europe through Turkey. Over the past two days, she has been greeting migrant children, shaking hands and posing for pictures with them. Some of the children rushed towards her and one small girl was even given a kiss on the cheek as they held hands. However, when Miss Jolie went to greet one boy, he appeared to be recoiling in horror and even pushed her away as she tried to give him a peck on the cheek. Despite this, other migrants were more welcoming and even tried to take selfies with her.

As a special envoy for the United Nations refugee agency, she has visited several migrant camps in Greece over the past two days shaking hands and posing for pictures with refugees

In her role as a representative for the United Nations refugee organization, she has recently toured various migrant encampments in Greece. During her visits, she took the time to greet and mingle with refugees, even snapping a few photos.

While on Lesbos, the actress promised to return to the island with husband Brad Pitt and their six children later this summer 

During her stay on Lesbos, the actress made a vow to come back to the island in the company of her spouse Brad Pitt and their six children at a later time this summer.

According to the UNHCR, Miss Jolie is visiting Greece 'to reinforce efforts by UNHCR and the Greek government to step up the emergency response to the deteriorating humanitarian situation'

The UNHCR has reported that Miss Jolie’s visit to Greece is aimed at bolstering the joint efforts between the Greek government and UNHCR to improve the emergency response to the worsening humanitarian crisis.

Miss Jolie traveled to Greece to support the UNHCR and the Greek government in their efforts to address the declining humanitarian situation. During her visit, she spent time with migrant children on Lesbos, offering reassurance that the UNHCR was working diligently to ensure their safe transfer to their intended destinations. Miss Jolie also pledged to return to the island with her husband and six children in the summer. It was anticipated that her itinerary would include a visit to the Idomeni camp near the Macedonian border, where thousands of migrants are stranded after the country closed its borders. Her trip coincided with a summit attended by European Union leaders in Brussels, aimed at reaching an agreement with Turkey to mitigate the migration crisis.

Children play near the makeshift tents on the border of Greece and Macedonia after becoming stranded at the Idomeni camp after Macedonia closed their border 

Kids are playing around the makeshift tents on the border of Greece and Macedonia as they find themselves stuck at the Idomeni camp after Macedonia closed down their borders. The plan to send all migrants who arrive in Greece back to Turkey in exchange for EU membership has raised concern from several countries. The EU is hoping to strike a deal with Turkey to cut off the main route used by the 1.2 million asylum seekers who have arrived in the bloc since January 2015, causing the biggest migration crisis Europe has seen since World War II. Although European Council President, Donald Tusk, expressed cautious optimism about the deal, German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned that there are still many issues that need resolving before they can come to an agreement. Despite earlier objections from Cyprus president Nicso Anastasiades over the divided island, he has now indicated he may be willing to compromise. However, concerns about the legality of the Turkey deal as it relates to refugees remain, and some leaders are doubtful that a resolution can be reached.

Today European Union leaders attended a summit in Brussels to try and seal a deal with Turkey to curb the migration crisis. Pictured are children at the Idomeni camp in Greece 

European Union officials met in Brussels today in an attempt to finalize an agreement with Turkey aimed at addressing the migrant crisis. The photograph accompanying this article shows children residing at the Idomeni camp located in Greece.

Hundreds of migrants and refugees walked out of the overcrowded camp on the Greek-Macedonian border, determined to use a dangerous crossing to head north but were returned to Greece

Numerous migrants and refugees left the congested camp on the Greek-Macedonian border in search of a safer route to move north, but faced deportation back to Greece. The Belgian prime minister, Charles Michel, has accused Turkey of blackmail while acknowledging the need to work with them to find a resolution for the refugee crisis. Mr Michel stated that he would not accept what appears to be a form of blackmail from Turkey. Conversely, Matteo Renzi, the Italian leader, believes that Europe cannot afford to ignore Turkey, and any agreement must respect fundamental values. However, the pressure on leaders to come up with a solution is immense as countries reintroduce border checks to reduce migrants, causing the EU’s Schengen passport-free travel area to break down, and anti-immigration parties increasing in popularity.

A young boy stands in the muddy water at the Idomeni camp in Greece. Many of the migrants are stuck at the camp after Macedonia closed its border 

A young boy can be seen standing in the muddy waters of the Idomeni camp, Greece. Following Macedonia’s decision to close its borders, many migrants are now trapped inside the camp. Netherlands Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, who currently holds the rotating EU presidency, has stated that there is no alternative but to come to a deal. He believes that a deal could significantly reduce the number of migrants within three to four weeks. The key aspect of the proposed agreement is that Turkey will take back all migrants arriving in Greece and the EU will resettle one Syrian refugee for every Syrian readmitted on Turkish soil. The agreement also stipulates that all migrants arriving on the Greek islands must be registered and have their asylum applications processed there to meet legal requirements. Although the one-for-one plan is temporary and capped at 72,000 migrants, the summit will also call for aid to Greece to help them deal with the bottleneck of refugees resulting from Balkan countries closing their borders to prevent migrants from heading to Germany and Scandinavia.

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